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Suffrage Song
264 page graphic history about gender, race, and voting rights in the U.S.
"With this fabulously informative book, Caitlin Cass gleefully joins Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'damn mob of scribbling women,' depicting suffragettes—warts and all—through the ages and chronicling the exasperating history of voting rights in America." — Emma Allen, New Yorker cartoon editor
"Suffrage Song is a stunning account of the ongoing and unending struggle for voting rights in US history. Caitlin Cass's writing and illustrations bring new insight about the connections between race and gender to the conventional story. A compelling read with contemporary relevance, it ought to be a required text in every history class in the land." — Joan W. Scott, author of Gender and the Politics of History
"Caitlin Cass's lavishly illustrated Suffrage Song utilizes the idea of hauntology and ghosts to unpack the unseemly history of voting rights in the U.S. Don't pass up the opportunity to experience the stories of these spirits. The decision will haunt you." — John Jennings, Eisner Award-winning comics creator and Media scholar
"The haunted history of voting rights is full of messy contradictions, but when you finish this creative and inspiring tale, you will want to tell everyone what you have learned: nobody is free until everybody is free." — Susan Ware, author of Why They Marched
"These artfully presented, thought-provoking comics uncover complexities of the popular historical narrative and emphasize how the fight for voting rights continues today." — Sarah Hunter - Booklist